Origami is a pretty powerful tool, if you know how to apply it to a given situation. Here is an algorithm you can use to creatively solve nearly any geometric problem, given some amount of creativity.
The first step is to reduce your situation to lines. For example, I recently observed someone struggling to cut circles out of parchment paper for lining cake tins. This can easily be solved with origami, once you’ve reduced your problem to lines. In this case, what you have to do is approximate the circle as a many-sided polygon.
The next step is to notice any symmetries present in the system. In the circle paper cutting example, we can see that there are many lines of symmetry along the diameters - wherever you see a line of symmetry, you’ll most likely make a fold.
The second line of the diagram shows the process. When you start, you fold along the dashed lines to form a right triangle. You’d probably want to fold the triangle a few more times than I’ve shown here until it’s a really pointy right triangle unless you’re OK with octagons. You cut along the dotted lines and the unfold into your finished (rather low polygon count) circle!
In this example, the algorithm ends here, but for some problems you might need a few more steps. In particular, in situations where different parts are moving, consider the type of motion in question. Are you dealing with a rotational hinging motion, a linear motion, or a combination (like a screw). In hinging motions, you want one or a set of mountain folds to dominate your structure. In linear motions, you want parallel and alternating sets of mountain and valley folds, sort of like an accordion. In the screw motion, you do the same but with the folds at angles.
At this point, you might be thinking, “Hang on a moment, this is total BS! You’ve just chosen a very simple example that happens to conform to your model; not everything’s going to turn out like that!” I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable response. The thing is, though, this algorithm really does apply to basically everything. In fact, if you apply the parchment paper circle algorithm in reverse, and go a little bit further, you basically get Robert Lang’s famous Treemaker algorithm. Check out langorigami.com/article/treemaker/! If you read the article, you’ll notice that the first step is very similar to what I advocate - making a mathematical tree model is a form of reducing the problem to lines. The Treemaker then unfolds these lines into (again, very low polygon) circles, which it then packs on a page, and then voila - you have your folding pattern.
Actually, there’s another cool mathematical theorem that shows that you can make any shape (or at least any well-behaved shape) by folding a piece of paper, making a single cut, and unfolding. It’s called the, uh, Fold-and-Cut Theorem. You can watch a nice Numberphile video on it here.
This article was getting really long, so I decided to split it up into parts. Stay tuned for part 2!