Dividing a segment into even numbered parts of equal size is easy, just fold the ends together and get half, repeat to get a quarter, again to get an eighth, another time to get a sixteenth, and so on. This does not rely on the squareness of the paper, just a straight segment of a line.
There is a kind of "cheat": to make seven exactly equal segments, fold a segment three times over, and you have eight equal parts. Fold one of them over (or cut it, although cutting is frowned upon among origami purists) and you have seven equal parts! When I showed this to second graders at Lynch School for Japan Day one year, the chorus of boos and "noooo!"s clearly revealed their position that they were not impressed. But it is easy, direct, and rather precisely achieved without guessing.
Making odd numbers of parts of equal size requires a more analytical approach. If you don't happen to memorize the exact methods in Lang's summary http://www.langorigami.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/origami_constructions.pdf, a quick way to get there is by a very efficient approximation method. Fujimoto's approximation is explained in http://www.teachersofindia.org/sites/default/files/5_how_do_you_divide_a_strip_into_equal_fifths.pdf, and every fold divides the "error" in half, so by the 4th fold (5th approximation), the "error" is 1/16th of the deviation from your original guess. If your guesstimate were anywhere close to where it should be, the error between your guess and the exact 1/5 is very small.
Extra credit: use Fujimoto's approximation to find sevenths of a segment. Remember, this has no dependency on a square of paper, all you need is a line segment.
Extra extra credit: would this work on dividing an angle into odd numbers of equal angles?